
DueCi S.r.l. and Euro-me Shenzhen have officially reached a strategic partnership

Source : Euro-me Shenzhen Trade & Development Co., Ltd.    Time : 2024-12-23    Hits : 97

After close exchanges between the two sides, in view of the mutual appreciation and trust of each other´s historical resources and market influence, DueCi S.r.l. and Euro-me Shenzhen have officially reached a strategic partnership (effective from December 11, 2024), As the sole agent in Greater China, Euro-me Shenzhen is fully responsible for the promotion, sales and technical services of DueCi products in this market.

The DueCi S.r.l. was born in 1995 after the merger of two companies of the Ceresoli brothers, established between the 1970s and 1980s and specialized, respectively, in the production of molds and supporting equipment for the automotive sector, as well as the production of standard and special custom designed solid carbide tools (end mills, drill bits and reamers, especially in the high-speed end mills, chamfered end mills, aviation composite milling cutter and other products have strong competitiveness)


The company is ISO 9001: 2015 certified and integrates some new production technologies with the WorkPlan Solutions system, to improve working conditions, create new business models and increase the productivity and production quality of the plants. All in an industry 4.0 perspective.

Products have been excellence in several fields, such as automotive, medical, precision engineering, aerospace, oil & gas and many more. 

The following organizations are our customers: